My love/hate relationship with the snow
Love: The beauty of the snow. Every tree is covered with white delicate snow and the landscape is breathtaking. Some times I get distracted by the view when driving (not good when driving in snow.)
Hate: The Slushy mess of melting snow. Just as the snow is beautiful after a morning snow fall it is gross as it melts. The brown slush stains everything and every store is sold out of snow boots. I am running out of tennis shoes!
Love: Chains. With tire chains on, I feel like I am a four-wheeler off-roading. And I can put them on in 5 minutes flat! Occasionally a man will stop to ask if I need help with my tire chains, but I decline. I am sure that I am ten times faster at putting them on than he would be. Too bad I can't go over 30 mph with them.
Hate: Being stuck inside during the blizzard. Another woe of a two-wheel driver. Which is why Christmas was very small this year. My husband's favorite gift this year: unsented chap stick!
Love: Sweaters. I love to wear sweaters. Soft, cozy, cute.
Hate: Going to church in the snow. Walking in church shoes with the only covering for the legs being a thin skirt and nylons, and the men in their suits deciding the temperature should be set at 65 degrees!!!
Love: Space Heaters. I would sit infront of one all day, even if I was sweating.

So far this season, we have received over 65 inches of snow! Roofs all over town are colapsing. Walmart (yes Walmart) was closed for 4 days to clean snow off the roof. I heard a rumor that if you were looking for quick money to show up at the Costco in town and get immediately hired by the roofing company for $50 an hour to shovel snow off roofs!
Tyler was up on the roof shoveling off snow. The thought in my head at that time was "It would be cheaper if the roof fell in and we had to replace the roof and get all new furniture, than if Tyler needed back surgery from falling off the roof and breaking his back!!!" Too bad he didn't listen to me.
Speaking of backs, I have discovered muscles in my back I never knew were there. Growing up my mother or older brothers always shoveled the snow. At first I liked shoveling the snow. I felt like I was getting a good work out. Now I feel like I am just abusing my body. A week ago I could not lift my left arm because I had injured my elbow shoveling the burm left by the plow. I was not going to complain though. I was so happy just to see the snow plow in our culdesac.
To be fair, I am not shoveling as much as most people in our city. My neighbors have a snow blower and love to use it. This morning my neighbor was out snow blowing my driveway at 8am! I wanted to go out and hug him (only it was snowing and I was in my pajamas).
Asia walked out of preschool a few days ago and asked, "Mom, when will it be summer?" Not for along time. Occasionally, the kids are having fun outside in the snow. We have went sledding a few times. I laughed myself to tears watching Tyler fall 4 times while trying to sled down a hill in a sled that was too small.
School is back in session tomorrow. I am so happy! Many parents are upset due to the fact that the sidewalks are buried in 5 feet of snow and the school roofs are flat (making them in danger of colapsing). The problem is that when they write to the newspaper about it, they have 10-12 spelling errors in each paragraph, making their arguement of not sending the kids to school null and void.
Good and Bad it has been quite the winter so far!