Welcome Samantha Brynn BakerBorn May 28, 2010

Brynn was my biggest at 8lbs 5oz. That was probably because she did not want to come on time. She was 4 days late, induced. But quick at 4 hours labor.

A friend of mine, Misty Alger, gave me a free newborn baby shoot. Here is a cute picture of Brynn. She did not like this pose.

One thing everyone comments about when seeing Brynn is her hair. 'She has so much hair'. 'Her hair is so dark, where did she get that from' ? If she didn't look so much like our other girls people would think we left the hospital with the wrong baby. But her hair is just like her older sister Kara's hair, just not as curly. We love it.

One thing about Brynn (and I hope I am not jinxing this ) is she is a good sleeper. At night she always goes at least four hours between waking up. Some times she goes 8-9 hours at a time! Also, she is a very quiet sleeper. I have to reach over and see if she is breathing because she is so quiet. She is not as quiet when she is awake! She has a temper. (Of course from Tyler). If she doesn't get to eat right when she wakes up she will scream non-stop.

Tyler prides himself on being able to put Brynn to sleep. He would never admit it but he loves to hold and cuddle with Brynn. Tyler has been able to take time off work to stay home with me for this post-partum period and it has really helped. I have slept when I want to and have recovered better than with any other child. I am so lucky!

Kara adores the baby. She loves to hold her and gets jealous if I want to hold Brynn. She always wants to help change Brynn's diaper or change her clothes. She loves to sing to calm the baby. She will be a loving sister.

Asia loves baby Brynn. She will hold her for about 30 sec until her attention is diverted elsewhere. She is having a hard time with having to wait for things because mommy is taking care of Baby Brynn. Asia likes to help calm the baby by either sticking the binki in her mouth (even if she doesn't want it) or singing softly to her. The singing helps much more.
I love the pictures... even if she didn't! Super cute!!
We're so glad you posted pictures! We heard from Drake that you were expecting, but we didn't know when or anything. Congrats!! She's cute.
What a beautiful baby! I have missed you guys, your kids are getting so big!
Congratulations! She is adorable!
I'm a little slow, but congrats on your new baby girl!!! She is so cute. Kara and Asia look so big and sounds like they are loving thier little sister. I hope you are doing good. Love ya!
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